

sparkly blueberry dough

The most recent batch of play dough made here has reduced my princess loving child into a giggling puddle of sparkly, blueberry stained glee. 

1 C of water + handful of frozen blueberries boiled for a bit, strained, then boiled down again till you have about 1/2 C of liquid = your natural food dye

I was going to make a batch with turmeric powder but I discovered that it was all gone. Curry powder was going to be too.....pungent. Cocoa powder is a great idea too, but it smells amazing and Violet already has a problem with eating things that smell less than amazing. She doesn't need any more encouragement to start wolfing down bites of nasty play dough. 

You leave your liquid in the pan and throw in 1/2 C flour 
 1/4 C salt
1/2 T cream of tartar
1 T of oil (at the last minute as you gasp that it's already cooking and haven't added the oil...if you want to follow my recipe exactly) and stir while heating over medium heat. 

Once it all comes together you plonk it out onto a surface to cool till you can knead it. Then you let your child "sprinkle" an unmeasured and excessive pile of martha stewart glitter into it before kneading it all together. After that comes the glitter removal process from your hands and clothes and utensils.

To Clover's delight, this matches her favorite skirt almost exactly.


  1. Ha ha ha! I am bowled over by the fact you have the patience for this. Plus the patience for the glitter and blueberry stain cleaning. I bow to you :-)

  2. Ha! I'd eat that, sparkles and all. ;)


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