

holy geez, is it really friday?

2013 has been a terrible blogging year for me so far. Honestly, there are several times a day when something comes across my mind that I think would be nice to blog about quickly, but life is not suited for it at the moment I guess. My kids HATE it when I'm on the computer. I started typing this when I thought the kids were happily occupied in their room, but they burst down the stairs at the first sound of a click. It's uncanny.  I have no idea how other people manage to put together a well thought out post every day. 

Also on the back burner have been most of the creative arts. Once I got out of the rhythm of working a little on something each day it was hard to get back in. Parenting also kind of took over. But knitting has been coming along!

Here is when I had only gotten the ribbing done on my Downton knit along hat. The blue in this shot is way more intense than it is in person

Then the leaves started showing up, and my mind was blown that this was actually working.... that my tragic knitting skills hadn't totally destroyed this project and it was actually starting to look like something! 

Progress as of this morning: the first row of leaves is nearly complete and the second is taking shape. So far no mistakes that will affect the outcome. Not even a wrong stitch count at the end of a row. I think there has been an angel sitting by my side micromanaging this one. Lol. I've had to consult the master instructor (youtube) several times when I encountered stitches I had never done before, but nothing has been too difficult. I'm excited! This poor wonky thing is going to need the shite blocked out of it when it's done though. 

We took a weekend trip to Algonkian park last Saturday when the weather basically grabbed us by the shirts and threw us outside, lest we suffer a painful punishment.  Full of gnarled, huge trees, this park was perfect for the little imaginations with us. All of the big holes in the tree trunks were mysterious hiding places, and fallen logs a place to have an adventure. The only thing stopping us from enjoying it longer was the fact that I'm pregnant and decided to drink iced tea on the way over to a park where there were no bathrooms. Brilliant. By the time we stepped out of the car I already had to pee. 

An Amazon box became a little village this week. I took instructions from the girls on drawing our village in sharpie, and then we all colored it together. So romantic. Except that it took forever, and mostly consisted of me cleaning up an epic crayon mess every five seconds. 

I've also got some kombucha brewing in my pantry, and some grand ideas about getting a manual grain mill and grinding flour to make sourdough bread from my new Tartine book.

Lately I have been trying to focus more on enjoying my kids where they are right now, at these ages, with these interests and personality quirks, these little cheeks, little people needs, little people energy, their thirst to learn skills and information. I'm a forward looker, often with my eyes on the horizon to see what's coming next, which can often lead to missing what's going on right in front of me. And these little people aren't going to be so little for much longer. 

On that note I need to go read some stories and play a game with my girls. Not sure what I'm going to do with the rest of our day though.....


  1. Ooh the hat is looking great! I'm just grateful that you blog at all, I so love reading it :-)

  2. aw, you were just meters from my house! And your knitting looks amazing. I have no idea. I just stare in awe. I don't even know what blocking is, or how it's possible to take a long piece of yarn and make that design. Awe, I tell you.


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