

life dump

poor, poor blog. neglected! abandoned! at least in blog years....

life here has continued to go on, despite the total lack of posting last week. 

first off, we survived hurricane Sandy.....not much happened with that, thankfully

It didn't take long before I started to feel trapped and crazed when we were waiting for the storm to really hit. It had been raining and raining and raining, and I figured I ought to take the kids out to play before all hell broke loose. They lasted about three minutes, which is decidedly less time than it took me to get them ready to go out

I grabbed some blank butterfly masks from Target and the girls each decorated their own. Turns out they are horribly designed, and all of us were getting our eyes poked out by the masks when we put them on. But if you put them on upside down, they fit fine! They reminded me of Mexican wrestlers with their flipped butterfly masks. 

There was storm trooper pumpkin carving

Then on Halloween I got really scary with my bentonite clay pore cleansing mask, and we ate lunch by candle light. 

We braved some horrible  traffic and went out to Dogfish head alehouse on Halloween evening. The girls were all dressed up in their costumes, and we had a great time (there was delicious imperial stout involved). Fried potatoes were abundant, decorations were all around, and Clover got her face painted. 


Clover continued to wear her costume the day after Halloween, and was forcibly removed from it the next. Her hat was a very rushed semi-fail of a knitting attempt. It came out too floppy, and I was so out of time (15 minutes before we were supposed to leave) to make buns to attach to it that I flipped up the earflaps and sewed them onto the hat, stuffing them with socks. 

We played in the leaves once they got crunchy again.

I did housework in a set of butterfly wings

And the girls were hopelessly adorable as usual.



  1. I love the housework in wings. Way to be.

  2. The storm trooper pumpkin is the coolest! The girls are so adorable :-) I'm really glad you were all ok through Sandy as well. I love the picture of Tim in the leaves!

  3. ooooh instagram. killing everyones blogs softly. ;) very cute stuff though, and glad you made it through the storm okay.

  4. Love all of the costumes!!!

  5. yes indeed, hopelessly adorable!


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